Gear Review: Oxx CoffeeBoxx

What is it?

Oxx CoffeeBoxx

What sets it apart?

Quick results are essential to launching the boat on time. The CoffeeBoxx uses Keurig-style K-Cups, compatible coffee pods or even the no-waste reusable pods to brew an instant cup of coffee. The rugged design features a smashing paint job, carry handle, retractable cord and a level of durability you never thought possible for a coffee maker.

How do I use it?

Designed to withstand the rigors of commercial jobsites and military deployments, it’s the perfect companion for any devoted hunter or angler. It brews a cup of coffee in 90 seconds and has a separate hot water line for ramen noodles, tea or even a clean shave in the field. Its companion coffee brand, Workhorse Coffee, comes in Dark & Bold and 2X Caffeine roasts.

How much?


More Information:

Oxx CoffeeBoxx

Angler’s insight:

When I arrive at the boat ramp in the morning, my coffee is generally nearly empty and likely getting cold. Since I have a love affair with my morning coffee, I like to keep it fresh as long as possible, but seldom are there any convenience stores at the boat ramp. The CoffeeBoxx is the perfect portable coffee maker. It pumps out a fresh, hot cup in about a minute, yet is rugged enough to withstand the abuse an angler’s truck and boat can dish out. If you can find an electrical outlet at the ramp, or keep a converter in your truck you’ll never run out of coffee. This is a cool conveneince for the early morning angler.