Texan blogs about conservation issues

Tim Cook, the Texas B.A.S.S. Federation Nation conservation director since 2003, wanted a way to share and inspire other conservation-minded anglers.

MCQUEENY, Texas — In his role as conservation director for the Texas B.A.S.S. Federation Nation, Tim Cook always is looking for a better way.

His latest effort is a blog, The Angler Advocate.

“I started it because I want to learn to be a better communicator,” he said. “With such limited time, I wanted to have one place where I could post all of my conservation-related information.

“A blog makes it easy to share via social media and email and makes it easy for the editorial staff at B.A.S.S. to get story information. I also want to have the blog posted on our state website so I can update it automatically.”

Cook pointed out that blogs can be a great way for B.A.S.S. state conservation directors to communicate with each other. “CDs can inspire each other and, by sharing information, can build a library of resources,” he said. “I plan to also share files on the blog, pictures, and some video from time to time.”

Owner of Cook Industrial Tool, Inc., Cook has been Texas’ conservation director since 2003 and a member of B.A.S.S. since the 1980s. In addition to creating a coalition of volunteers to help with conservation, he sits on numerous advisory boards, served as co-chair of Texas Outdoor Partners, and played host to two angler/biologist workshops. In 2006, he was B.A.S.S. Conservation Director of the Year.

“I believe that anglers must be stewards of our resources,” Cook said. “Our sport is dependent on water. That water must be clean, accessible and contain habitat, and there must be enough of it. …

“Industry pollutes our water, developers are trying to restrict access to our water, habitat is disappearing, and poor management is severely limiting the amount of water we have for fish and wildlife,” Cook continued. “Most of the articles I write will center on these key threats.”