All captions: Craig Lamb

Ed Loughran made the most of his time by rotating between a punch rig and frog. Shop for lures on Amazon.com

John Cox did what he does best: Seine the shallows for largemouth in heavy cover. Rocket launching a frog into heavy mats, and a punch rig did the damage. Shop for lures on Amazon.com

Stetson Blaylock had deep-water and shallower schooling fish patterns in play at Lake Chickamauga. Shop for lures on Amazon.com

A bladed jig was the ticket for Todd Auten. Shop for lures on Amazon.com

Jake Whitakerâs affinity for marinas and docks paid off at Lake Chickamauga, where he used a swimbait and obscure rig that youâll be sure to want. Shop for lures on Amazon.com

Mike Huff had reason to celebrate after catching a pivotal Championship Monday fish on a jig. Shop for lures on Amazon.com

Lee Livesay smoked âem on a frog that he fished over matted cover. Alternatively, he used a hybrid rig capable of being worked like a frog and swimbait. Shop for lures on Amazon.com