Sure thing transition bass
Jeff Kriet give tips on topwater fishing during the summer and fall months
Elite Series: Winning Gear
Kevin VanDam captured his fifth Toyota Tundra Bassmaster Angler of the Year title by blowing away the competition at the Evan Williams Bourbon Trophy Triumph on the Alabama River in Montgomery, Ala.
Bass are everywhere
But Elite Series pro Elton Luce has a plan for fall bass that has served him well over the years and that will work for you especially if your favorite water has some aquatic vegetation.
Ike: How He Did It
Michael Iaconelli talks about fishing in the 2009 Postseason on Lake Jordon
A crystal ball
Rereading last week's blog is like looking in a crystal ball backwards. I said it — one bad day equals a bad tournament. And once you get behind there'd be little or no chance to catch up. That's pretty much the way it happened for me in the Berkley PowerBait Trophy Chase.
Fikes’ Sam Rayburn Big Bass
Dennis Fikes had a tough Day 1. He weighed two bass for a grand total of 5 pounds, 7 ounces. He was sitting in 137th place when the sun set, not exactly where he imagined he might be after the first day of his first Bassmaster Open.
The challenge
I'm packed and headed towards Alabama to fish Lake Jordan. It's the site of the first event in the Toyota Trucks Championship Week. Twelve of us will battle head-to-head for the 2009 Toyota Tundra Bassmaster Angler of the Year title. With two days of practice and only two days of competition it'll be a different experience, that's for sure.
How They Did It
Sometimes it doesn't much matter what you do or how you do it. The stars are in alignment for the other guy. It's over. You know that in your heart even as you struggle, hoping against hope, that you can change the course of events.
Swimbait with Velvick
Master Series on the Art of the Swimbait with Byron Velvick (Lesson 2).
Swimbait with Velvick asked Elite Series angler Byron Velvick to write a series of monthly articles on "The Art of the Swimbait." He was one of the early pioneers in their development and currently is on the pro staff of Fish Harder Companies as a swimbait specialist.