Wendlandt batting 500 on big bites

Clark Wendlandt

As Elite anglers, all these guys ever hope for coming into an event is to have a chance on the final day, and to not miss anything that matters. Wendlandt definitely had a chance at the start of Championship Sunday, and he still has a slight one in the waning moments that will remain after his run back from Hildebrandt Bayou. But he definitely missed one that mattered.

Wendlandt’s last cull came five hours ago, when he flipped up a big one in the 4-pound range. He went scoreless for awhile after that, before having another shot at a big one flipping the reeds. He barely raised the bass’s head to water’s surface, however, before it won the fight, breaking Wendlandt’s line and heart simultaneously. The Texan has laid down several singles today, and a double or two. But when swinging for homers, he’s batting 500. And that will be a hard pill to swallow if he can’t make up for it in these last few minutes.