Palmer with a good one

Luke Palmer already has a good one in the boat this morning. Terms like good one and kicker are relative terms to the particular fishery we’re on each week. On the Mississippi, anything over 3-pounds is a good one, a bass pushing 4-plus is a kicker.

There are thousands upon thousands of 2-pound chunks swimming around in pools 7, 8 and 9. So stacking a sack with 2- and 1/2- pounders and up is critical this week. There will likely be 25 places separating a bag of 2s for 10-pounds from a bag of 2-1/2s for 12-1/2 at the end of Day 1.

To crack the top 20 or so, anglers will have to elevate their average even more. Likely going to take 15-plus to be in the Top 10 at the close of the scales today.