Menendez with back-to-back giants

“I wanted the dirty thirty yesterday. Let’s go ahead and knock that out today. That’s two for 11, we’re already in the lead.”

Mark Menendez logged a 6-1 at 7:49, and a 5-14 at 7:49. In reality, it took him a little more than a minute to get both fish in, but BassTrakk can barely keep up with him at the moment. 

“I can’t hardly handle it,” said Menendez as he unhooked his second stud. “I’ve been doing this 32 years and look how bad I’m shaking.”

Menendez has a lot on his mind this morning. He mentioned being gone from home a bunch over the years and having even missed two proms last night. But he shifted his thoughts back to fishing, working to refocus on the task at hand to make the sacrifices of he and his family worthwhile. 

There’s a lot that goes through the mind and heart of an angler while on the water. Adrenaline and all sorts of emotions are flowing through the reflecting Kentucky veteran this morning. But it’s time to get back to work.