Bite windows could offer big opportunity

We’ve already seen a good showing of Lake Okeechobee’s potential, with several quality fish entering live wells. Scott Martin’s leading limit of 26-1 includes a 6-8, a 6, and a 5.

Three pros, Steve Kennedy, Drew Cook, and Brandon Lester have boated 7-pounders. As of 11:20, Lester had a limit, but he was still trying to find something over 1 1/2 pounds.

He’s hoping the day’s second half will offer greater opportunity in what he expects to be brief periods of intense feeding.

“These fish have bite windows where it seems that every fish in the area feeds at the same time,” Lester said. “I think the key to winning this event will be finding those bite windows.”

With a limit of 9-12 at 11:15, reigning Bassmaster Classic champion Jason Christie has had a slower start than he would like, but he agrees that exploiting those windows of opportunity will be crucial — especially on a lake full of giants.

“One bite changes the outlook.”