AOY, ROY Update

Joey Cifuentes III

Brandon Cobb and Joey Cifuentes III came into this event with the Angler of the Year and Rookie of the Year leads respectively. And they are both doing just about all they can to hold onto them. Cobb sits in 9th at the moment on BassTrakk, Cifuentes in 11th.

Despite these fantastic performances, their leads still aren’t safe. One of Cobb’s closest competitors for AOY, Jay Przekurat, sits in 1st today. Kyle Welcher is sandwiched between the two in AOY and in 24th currently.

Cifuentes has an angler hot on his heels as well. Kyoya Fujita is in 2nd by an ounce right now, putting as much pressure on the Cowboy as he can. Bryant Smith is 3rd in ROY points, and ahead of Cifuentes on the day as well, sitting in 4th.

A couple close races for AOY and ROY, but the leaders in each will have to stumble. And neither have yet.