A unique sport

As has effectively been documented by now, Brandon Palaniuk is on the cusp of collecting his second AOY title. 

The sport of bass fishing is a unique one. Imagine if an armchair quarterback just meandered onto the field at an NFL football game, elbowed Tom Brady out of the way and slid under center to take a snap. 

Seems a bit ludicrous, but a version of that same scenario could (and often does) happen on any given day out on the water. It doesn’t matter if it’s the Bassmaster Classic or the final day of the AOY race, our sport takes place on a public playing field. And that can make things real messy at times. 

But it also makes for an unequaled experience when it comes to fans and family cheering on their favorite anglers. You can basically slip right onto the sidelines and watch your guy do his thing. 

Brandon Palaniuk’s friends and family have been all over the Mississippi River the last few days, chasing him in boats, watching him from the shore and rooting for him every cast of the way. 

His mom Tonya, stepdad Dan, and uncle Mike are out on the water right now, looking on up close and personal as Palaniuk makes history in our special, unique sport. An unparalleled experience compared to any other sport I’m sure.