Member How-To
Small swimbaits for big bass
From the seasoned tournament veteran to the recreational angler, the concept of “matching the hatch” has been ingrained into our bass fishing ideology. And despite the trendiness of catching giant...
Heavy jigs for big bass
Finesse the winter bite, they say. Suffer through. It can be painfully slow, but it puts fish in the boat. Some anglers aren’t wired that way, and bucking the trend...
How to catch bass when the grass disappears
When Pro angler Kyle Monti was growing up in south Florida, legendary Lake Okeechobee was full of submergent grasses that provided cover for mammoth bass and gave Okeechobee national recognition...
Living large when the water’s low
Fall drawdowns are part of life for reservoirs nationwide. The fish know it’s coming, anglers do too. So, how do we capitalize on the early falling stages of a drawdown...
How to fish current
Kyle Welcher‘s ability to decode puzzling shallow-water currents has helped him qualify for his second consecutive Bassmaster Classic via the Elite Series. Since the Alabamian began fishing the Elites as...
Why Swindle throws a magnum shakeyhead
Gerald Swindle‘s always game for shaking up a weigh-in, be it with his trademark humor, his endearing sincerity or big limits like the ones that helped him notch a third-place...
Fishing for fall schoolers
As topwater bites go, this one was just okay. Greg Hackney caught the 5-pounder, but minus the eye-widening, toe-clenching thrill that makes us throw surface baits. Don’t worry if you...
Fall buzzbait fishing
A buzzbait is renowned for generating quality bites throughout the year. But as the nights get longer and fall weather sets in, the lure always has an increased presence in...
Year-round jerkbaits
Throughout the winter and into the early spring, two time Academy Bassmaster Classic Champ Hank Cherry relies heavily on a jerkbait for all species of bass. Then, like most of...