On the hook with Jaime Young

Overcoming challenges and mastering new skills river fishing has transformed my confidence and connection with the sport.

Introduction to Fishing

As a child, I went fishing with my grandpa, but my first memorable fishing experience was when my friend Mike and I used a hook and cheese to catch 15 fish in less than an hour from a small pond in his backyard. However, I became truly hooked on fishing when I joined a couple of friends on a kayak fishing trip.

Experiences and challenges

I have found river fishing to be very empowering for me as a woman. With an endless amount of skills and techniques to master, I am constantly overcoming challenges, which has significantly boosted my self confidence. I quickly learned that fishing is both a mental and physical sport and requires patience, quick problem-solving skills and physical strength. The last thing you want is to trip in a waist-deep river or collide your kayak with a fallen tree. (I have experienced both mishaps).

Representation and visibility

Despite the fact fishing has traditionally been considered a male-dominated sport, it seems things are beginning to change. I recently attended a fishing expo where I witnessed a primarily male audience intently listening to and seeking advice from a female angler who had won several tournaments.

I believe social media has given exposure to numerous accomplished female anglers who are breaking down barriers and making a name for themselves in the fishing industry.

Personal achievements

Transitioning from a spinning reel to a baitcaster has opened new possibilities for me in the world of fishing. Despite the many “bird nests” and moments of frustration, I now feel fully confident in my abilities. This style of fishing not only strengthens my connection with the gear but also enables me to achieve improved accuracy in my casts.

Advice for aspiring female anglers

Starting something new can be daunting, but it’s important to remember everyone begins at some point. The key is to step out of your comfort zone, experiment, push yourself to your limits and never give up. The exhilaration that comes from reeling in a big catch is truly unparalleled.

You can follow Jaime on Instagram: @hi_mayyy