Martens using every minute

It appears Aaron Martens is going to use every last minute of his available fishing time today. He just moved across Lake Decatur from Bayview Cove to the western shore...

Evers is still in the game

We can verify that Edwin Evers has made it out of the Sangamon River and still has time to rally. While continuing to observe Aaron Martens in Bayview Cove, we...

Martens finally upgrades

Aaron Martens has been trying to get rid of the one keeper-size fish in his livewell for awhile now. And like he has all day, he just put on another...

Gerald Swindle — a personal note

It has come to my attention that some people have taken offense to a few of the comments made by Gerald Swindle over the last week. If there's someone to...

Pirates on Lake Decatur

He has attracted a wide variety of interested observers, but these latest on-the-water watchers of Aaron Martens take the prize for creativity — arriving on the scene in a pirate ship. The...

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