2008 Carolina Clash: Day Three On the Water

In this Photo gallery you will see images of the 2008 elite series Carolina Clash on Lake Murray. It is the third day on the water.

Kevin VanDam and his co-angler pick up and move on.
Kevin VanDam and his co-angler pick up and move on.
Rick Morris casts his line.
Rick Morris casts his line.
James Niggemeyer retrieves his bait.
James Niggemeyer retrieves his bait.
Dean Rojas and his co-angler head for a new spot.
Dean Rojas and his co-angler head for a new spot.
Dean Rojas unhooks one.
Dean Rojas unhooks one.
Dustin Wilks hooks one.
Dustin Wilks hooks one.
Dustin Wilks pulls one on board.
Dustin Wilks pulls one on board.
Co-angler winner Jeff Freeman pulls one in near a bridge.
Co-angler winner Jeff Freeman pulls one in near a bridge.
Matt Amedeo catches a little one as Matt Freeman, co-angler, watches under a bridge.
Matt Amedeo catches a little one as Matt Freeman, co-angler, watches under a bridge.
Todd Faircloth works his bait.
Todd Faircloth works his bait.
Alton Jones casts for one.
Alton Jones casts for one.
Davy Hite  sends his bait out.
Davy Hite sends his bait out.