Today, Ish Monroe let fans ask him anything in his first Twitter chat. From topwater frog colors to Chick-Fil-A and Thai food, fans grilled the 2012 Bassmaster Elite Series Power-Pole Slam winner about a wide range of subjects. He was quick on the trigger with every question, answering 52 questions in just a little more than 30 minutes.
Below is a transcript of the chat. The tweets have been lightly edited to improve clarity and fix spelling errors.
Keep up with Twitter chats, tournament news and bass fishing advice by following B.A.S.S. on Twitter at @BASS_Nation.
GrizzlyDowney What brand would you recommend for soft baits for big bass?
Ish: Of course it would have to be the Missile D Bomb. I caught 108 pounds over 4 days with that one!
drewwilson13 If you’re trying to catch bedding fish. What the best thing to use?
Ish: If it’s over 5 pounds, it would have to be the Ish Tube.
BhamJen Hey, Ish! What made you go into those high reeds on the Big O? They were almost taller than you!
Ish: That’s where the fish moved during the course of the day, they like the thicker reeds.
BrianC1977 Ish. Was the Chick-Fil-A you ate in Birmingham the Monday after Okeechobee even tastier knowing that you were a Classic qualifier?
Ish: Yeah, actually it was. It was a long drive to Table Rock, so I didn’t get to enjoy it as much.
DetroitJD When are we going to get some Ish on Twitter?
Ish: Right now! That’s the one and only time, until I win my next event.
ATalarico Ish! Are your frogs going to be available at any sports stores soon?
Ish: We are working on everyone right now, but the best place to get them is at Tackle Warehouse. Free shipping.
PatSnellings Ish, what is your favorite body of water and why?
Ish: It would have to be the California Delta because it’s home. It’s where I grew up. I always catch decent fish.
88fingersH Ish, what was the longest amount of time you spent fishing a spot before pulling up your Power Poles and moving on?
Ish: I’ve Power-Poled down on spots and fished for four or five hours.
PatSnellings Ish will you be attending the @Carhartt Super Regional this week to check out the college angers fishing? #HokieBass
Ish: No, I will be en route to Bull Shoals for the Elite Series event.
I_guidehunters Will you ever consider getting a twitter account? I would love to follow you.
Ish: Maybe one day.
I_guidehunters Well that’s cool, so you’re saying there’s a chance? Wish you the best the rest of the season!
Bassfishinboy Hey Ish, Any tips for prespawn bass on the Potomac where no grass is up yet?
Ish: Throw a crankbait, especially my new crankbait River2Sea Biggie
PatSnellings Creek mouths with moving baits and jigs on woody structure used to work well, I miss fishing my home water.
RichieD23 How far of a run did you make at Okeechobee? And did you try the monkey box or J & S?
Ish: I fished both. J&S didn’t have the fish and Monkey Box was crowded, so I made a run to Pelican Bay.
CanadianDayman Ish, what is the biggest bass you have caught in a tournament? How about biggest non-tournament? And where?
Ish: Tournament- 10 pounder, Non-tournament- 14-10 practicing on the Delta.
sippychronicles Ish, tell us about your Lithium battery setup. Is it for trolling motor batteries or just cranking, or both?
Ish: I use lithium for both. You really can’t let the price take you out of it, they last up to 10 years.
CoyGreathouse What would have 2 happen 2 make you put the big rod down & throw finesse? Seems like you fish for giants and not limits
Ish: Cold day in hell.
MK_Bassfishing Ish, what made you key those ditches? And how were you able to pull a big bag on the last day? Same as the other days.
Ish: My @navionics chip helped me a lot I marked the waypoints on my @lowrancefishing where I got the most bites.
DetroitJD @ Hey Ish, if I could own only one Phat Frog, which color scheme? They all look hot!
Ish: It would have to be Sexy Ish, DaMan is the runner-up.
T_Wayne30 Ish what is your biggest weakness on the water?
Ish: I don’t think about weakness. If anything, I’m on the water too much so I don’t fish in the moment.
DavidHuntrJones Yo Ish! Tell us how you settled on the final design of the biggie. What does it do other square bills don’t?
Ish: I have two different versions called Biggie Smalls and Biggie Papa, a non-rattling and rattling version.
Cincybassman Hey Ish, how do you work that frog so well? Going to start fishing with one. Is key speed? Or color? Any info appreciated.
Ish: The right equipment is key. Right rod, Daiwa frog rod, power reel Daiwa Zillion. Line, Samurai braid.
Dallicis Ish, What is your favorite color frog to throw and why?
Ish: That’s a tough one. Papa Midnight.
Ish: You can never go wrong with a black frog.
BrandonPalaniuk Ish…you’ve been catching them good lately. Are you secretly having “lunch lady” sandwiches sent to you?
Ish: Just good luck texts from the lunch lady. We’ll find you a lunch lady soon.
Bassfishinboy Ish, Do you go for a quick limit in a tournament so you can upgrade?
Ish: No, I fish to win.
BassMN_com Ish: Do you tie a fluorocarbon leader to braid when pitching/flipping?
Ish: Never, I don’t like knots.
KYOutdoors Ish, what’s the biggest KY bass & smallmouth you’ve caught, tourney or non
Ish: Biggest KY 5 pounds, smallmouth 6 pounds.
bertomel Ish when are u coming back to a fishing show in New England?? #TeamIshYo
Ish: When they show me the money!
bertomel Good answer.
TBrinks Ish: How did growing up fishing the Cal Delta prepare you for places like Okeechobee?
Ish: The amount of grass and different types of water. Growing up in California prepared me for anywhere because of different structure.
MK_Bassfishing I am glad to have met you at Bass U in Suffern. How grueling is it to do BASS and FLW?!
Ish: Definitely grueling. It’s a lot of tournaments, but I’ve got a goal and that’s to be rich.
HunnyMoney41 Ish, any tips for younger guys trying to make a name for themselves?
Ish: Fish as much as you can, and catch ’em!
Dallicis Ish, what size line and what knot do you tie on your frogs?
Ish: I use a 55-pound Samurai braid over open water, 70-pound in structure. Double Palomar.
sippychronicles How much info do you guys get before approaching a lake for an Elite event? How do u know if it’s not BS?
Ish: I don’t use info before I get to a lake because most of it is BS.
BhamJen Ish: What do you miss most about home while you’re on the road?
Ish: I miss hanging out with my friends. I have great friends on the road, but there are a lot of guys I miss.
chadleton Ish: What’s the best part of bunking with Ike and “the most challenging”? Spinning rods?
Ish: The best part is he makes me a better angler, and the most challenging are the spinning rods!
drewwilson13 Any tips on topwater?
Ish: Fish it all day long.
CShirley_A Ish, I fish a large body of water in MS. Any tips on how and where to find bass?
Ish: Use a @navionics chip and a @lowrancefishing unit and they will pretty much show you where they are.
michaelmulone Ish … what lake are you looking forward to later this year?
Ish: The mystery lake. I love going to new places; it allows me to fish the moment.
chadleton Yo Ish: What’s your first fishing childhood memory?
Ish: Fishing with my dad and my granddad. I had a 70s afro.
chadleton thanks Ish! The Afro must’ve had mad mojo.
TristallionRU Ish, do you think you could find my little brother Andrew Upshaw a lunch lady as well?
Ish: He thinks he is too cool for school.
ScottyBudWZUU Ish, who are some of your close buds on tour?
Ish: @Mike_Iaconelli @BrandonPalaniuk and @crewsmissile
whatchubebout Any tips on catching bed fish you can’t see?
Ish: Patience.
CalebBoudreaux Why do you need 28-inch wheels to pull a boat?
Ish: I actually have 30s on the Hummer, and chicks dig it.
Ish: Go big or go home.
CalebBoudreaux What are the best tournaments to fish in order to get exposure?
Ish: Bassmaster, of course!
CalebBoudreaux When are you coming back to the boot?
Ish: We fish Toledo Bend in June.
BhamJen Ish: How are you able to make long runs during a tournament day?
Ish: The reliability of my @YamahaOutboards SHO gives me the confidence to do it.
TravisManson Just wanted to say congrats, Ish, on your recent win! See you in Arkansas.
Ish: See you there.
GBW3mta3 What did you have for lunch?
Ish: Today I had Thai food.
Want to get involved in the next Twitter chat? Join us on TweetChat on Friday, April 13, from 1 to 1:30 p.m. ET to ask Alton Jones, 2012 Bassmaster Elite Series St. Johns River Showdown winner, questions about his win, about fishing or even about Thai food.