Mosley clears his mind with largemouths

Brock Mosley’s brand new baby daughter has inadvertently been a boost for him today. Mosley has had a lot on his mind this week during practice days on the St. Lawrence River, while his wife, Leslie, has been home in Collinsville, Miss., expecting to give birth any day. The day was yesterday, when their second daughter, 7-pound, 7-ounce Gradi Lynn, was born.

“Smallmouth haven’t been good to me all week,” Mosley said. “So I changed and ended up with a really, really big sack of largemouth one day in practice.”

That’s the way he started today, fishing for largemouth bass, saying, “It’s a great way to clear my head – go largemouth fishing.”

Mosley’s head, previously filled with all the thoughts and concerns of his wife giving birth over 1,300 miles away, is clear now. You can see that on the BASSTrakk leaderboard, which shows Mosley with 10 fish catches and a best five weighing an estimated 20 pounds, 10 ounces. And it has cleared enough to go smallmouth fishing. Mosley’s bag now includes a 4.5-pound smallmouth.

The 31-year-old angler has some history of success here. Mosley was second to Kevin VanDam in the 2017 Elite Series event on the St. Lawrence River.