J. Lee playing strengths

When questioned about his patterns at a given tournament Jordan Lee oftentimes refers to what he does as “like fishing back home.” That is Lake Guntersville, another powerhouse bass fishery where you can hone techniques for a given pattern and take those on the road.

Lee made the reference to me again yesterday when interviewed about his lures.

Like the other leaders he is focused on transitional, postspawn bass that are now mostly on the final break line contours bordering deep water. That means using a combination of topwaters for early action and deep, finesse lures on the deeper side of the water column. The bass feed on spawn or bluegill early, then move out to the deeper contours.

That is oftentimes the setup on Guntersville, Lee’s home lake. The bass use those contrasting depths as ambush points and staging areas before finally moving deeper to spend the summer in the offshore hydrilla beds.

To move up the scoreboard, and he is now in 3rd place on BASSTrakk, Lee is using a big worm with a 1-ounce weight on a Carolina Rig, and alternatively a shaky head setup for the same worm. For early action he’s been using a plastic frog. Just like home.