High tide for Blaylock

Currently the tide is at its highest point in Stetson Blaylock’s area. It’s getting ready to turn and start falling.

Typical tidal water fishing says the bite is best on falling and low tide. But in this instance with fish spawning, some bed fish are caught easier on high tide.

From Blaylock’s standpoint he’s been catching his fish on a variety of tides. He’s caught the bulk of his weight by 10:30 each day. But even then it’s been a grind. 

He knows the tide is later today. And that he will have to keep grinding all day.

Each day he’s made one slow circle around the lake in the center of the island. Today he will make two of those circles, knowing that Koby Kreiger caught two good fish late in the day yesterday.

The biggest question he has floating in the back of his mind is whether these fish live here or if they are coming in to spawn. Then it creates the question of how many are left.

He caught the biggest sack of the derby yesterday, so things are promising.