Giving thanks

This is the time of year when we should all be thinking about the things we’re thankful for in our lives. I do that every year, not out of habit or duty, but because I think we should all take stock of what’s good with us and with those we love and care about.

This is the time of year when we should all be thinking about the things we’re thankful for in our lives. I do that every year, not out of habit or duty, but because I think we should all take stock of what’s good with us and with those we love and care about. 

It’s almost impossible for me to list all the things I’m thankful for at this time of the year. It starts, of course, with Holly and the kids. From there I have to say it also includes my career and the fact that I’m going to the 2014 Bassmaster Classic on my home lake.

And this year I want to include a big thanks to the crew that’s in the process of remodeling our home. Ron, Dave, Mike, Larry and Lecroy have put in six tough weeks, and their efforts are starting to show. When they get done, we’ll have some serious upgrades to our home.

As far as Thanksgiving Day is concerned, that’s going to be good, too. The immediate family will be here as well as Holly’s sister, Lindsey, and her dad, Rick. That’ll make for good company to share the good food that always graces our table.

It’s amazing to me how they can put things together that taste so good. They work hard at it but there’s more to it than that. It’s a talent that I don’t really understand. Honestly, I don’t really know how they do it, but do it they do. That’s what counts in the end, at least as far as the guy eating it is concerned.

Before we sit down to dinner on Thursday, however, Cal, Rick and I have a big hunting trip planned. Duck season opens Thanksgiving morning. That’s a big deal around here. We all love to hunt and we love to eat what we kill. It’s a tradition that’s handed down from one generation to the next.

We’re going to camp out the night before, get up early and get on them if we can. We were hoping to hunt out of our boat but it’s supposed to go down to 22 degrees Wednesday night so that might not be an option. The boat will be too cold. We’ll probably hunt from shore. It’ll be warmer there, or so I’d like to think today.

No matter the weather, however, we’ll have a good time. There are few things in life that can compare to going hunting with your son and your father-in-law.

As I think over things, I have to tell you that I can’t say thanks loud enough, or often enough, for what God has blessed us with over the years. It seems like things just keep getting better. All the glory is His.

Holly and I sincerely hope that each and every one of you out there experiences a wonderful Thanksgiving. And let’s not forget our troops who are serving around the world. They’re a long ways from home. Keep them in your prayers. Think about their families here at home, too. The isolation and loneliness works both ways.

Chris Lane’s column appears weekly on You can also find him on Twitter and Facebook or visit his website,