Feider’s practice plan

I have the opportunity to ride with Seth Feider for the final day of practice for the 2020 Academy Sports and Outdoors Bassmaster Classic presented by Huk. I asked him what goals he had for the final practice period on Lake Guntersville and this is what he said.

1. Learn something
2. Stay away from his one good area he already has
3. Find confidence in bridge or two just in case that becomes a thing
4. Check the water color in different regions of the lake

It’s very interesting the approach some anglers take for Classic practice. It’s not always about actually catching fish, but rather feeling comfortable in areas and patterns to then catch bass when it counts. A lot can change from the three-day practice period one week before the event. Then the changes that happen could change again from Wednesday’s practice until tournament day on Friday. You don’t want to be where the fish were, you want to be where they are headed.