Decision time

With just over two hours to fish, Steve Kennedy is two fish short of his limit. He doesn’t know whether he’s inside or outside of the 25-cut, but he has to be feeling the pressure.

His last two stops have tentatively convinced him to stick with the dock and swimbait game. He had a 4-pounder follow his lure out then follow it as it dropped to the bottom, but wouldn’t commit. Then he moved and bowed up on what seemed to be a good one, but it came loose.

There aren’t as many fish here, he said, but “they’re doing the right thing.” Setting up in the right place, he meant, but not committing to his lure.

He has some spotted bass places he could hit up to try to add two swimmers, but he’s laser-focused on the win. Swinging for the fences, going down with the ship, apply your own cliche.