Big bass stars of the day

This event is starting to really take shape with big bass being the stars of the day.

Brandon Cobb has just landed the largest fish of the day with an 8 pound, 13 ounce monster.

That follows the second largest fish of the day, an 8 pound 8 ounce giant caught 1 hour and 30 minutes ago. In that time span, Cobb has landed over 17 pounds of fish in two casts. And that is the reason Lake Fork is the number one destination for bass anglers in this country.

Cobb now has 25 pounds, 14 ounces for the day. He’s sitting in first with a 4 pound, 11 ounce lead on Micah Frazier who has jumped into the top of the standings. And he has more than a 9-pound lead on Pipkens, who has yet to catch a keeper today.

Frazier has made his move by catching a total of 24-9 today on the strength of five really solid fish. His smallest is 3 pounds even, and the largest is 7-4, which is no slouch in the realm of big fish.