BASSTrakk remains the best gauge

During the Covid pandemic B.A.S.S., has not allowed Marshals. So the numbers you see on BASSTrakk are basically straight from the anglers.

They are required to send in a text every few hours with the number of caught fish and estimated weight. Some are doing it every fish. Most are using the collective and estimating total weight.

Jeff Gustafson has three in his well. A 5 and two 3s, which should give him 11 pounds.

But as anglers are apt to do he fudged a bit. BASSTrakk shows him with two for 7. And the third has yet to show.

But Seth Fieder rolled up a minute prior to his third keeper and he told him he had a 5 and a 3, giving us confidence that we had guessed right.

The whole point is Gussy is sitting higher in the standings than we think. All these guys fudge a bit. For them it’s far better to under guess than over guess. Still BASSTrakk remains the best gauge available even with a little fudge on top.