Ray Hanselman
Elite Series

Years as a full-time pro angler: 5
Signature technique/strength: ”Whatever they’re biting”
Home waters: Lake Amistad Favorite place to fish: Port O’Connor
Career highlights: Before joining the Elites in 2017, Ray won four straight FLW Costa tourna- ments in 2015. He earned his spot in the Elites through the 2017 Bassmaster Central Opens.
Did you know: In his younger days, Ray used to rope calves and steers. Not the only accom- plished athlete in his family, Ray’s wife Misty won a college national championship with the Texas A&M equestrian team. He has also oper- ated a hunting business off-season for the past 28 years.
Signature technique/strength: ”Whatever they’re biting”
Home waters: Lake Amistad Favorite place to fish: Port O’Connor
Career highlights: Before joining the Elites in 2017, Ray won four straight FLW Costa tourna- ments in 2015. He earned his spot in the Elites through the 2017 Bassmaster Central Opens.
Did you know: In his younger days, Ray used to rope calves and steers. Not the only accom- plished athlete in his family, Ray’s wife Misty won a college national championship with the Texas A&M equestrian team. He has also oper- ated a hunting business off-season for the past 28 years.