Day 4 begins

The Top 50 anglers start their third day on Kentucky Lake, joined by the 10 best contenders from Friday's Second Chance event.

Ott DeFoe gets ready for the third day on Kentucky Lake after a day off. Can he find the bag to regain the lead?
Ott DeFoe gets ready for the third day on Kentucky Lake after a day off. Can he find the bag to regain the lead?
Brandon Coulter gets ready.
Brandon Coulter gets ready.
Jordan Lee already has his game face on.
Jordan Lee already has his game face on.
The sun begins its ascent...
The sun begins its ascent…
...and it's time for pros like Brent Ehrler to do what they do best.
…and it’s time for pros like Brent Ehrler to do what they do best.
Tim Horton says good morning.
Tim Horton says good morning.
The crowd is assembled...
The crowd is assembled…
The anglers are ready to rock.
The anglers are ready to rock.
Keith Combs...
Keith Combs…
Rick Clunn...
Rick Clunn…
Matt Lee...
Matt Lee…
The crowd listens to Kevin VanDam talk about his day.
The crowd listens to Kevin VanDam talk about his day.
Shin Fukae...
Shin Fukae…
Ken Iyobe...
Ken Iyobe…
Derek Remitz...
Derek Remitz…
Fred Roumbanis...
Fred Roumbanis…
Marty Robinson...
Marty Robinson…
Jonathon VanDam heads to the launch site.
Jonathon VanDam heads to the launch site.
Keith Combs...
Keith Combs…
Gerald Swindle...
Gerald Swindle…
Justin Lucas...
Justin Lucas…
Kevin VanDam...
Kevin VanDam…
Brandon Card...
Brandon Card…
Paul Mueller...
Paul Mueller…
Jason Christie...
Jason Christie…
Tim Horton...
Tim Horton…
Boyd Duckett...
Boyd Duckett…
It's getting close to time to get started.
It’s getting close to time to get started.
Another gorgeous morning on Kentucky Lake.
Another gorgeous morning on Kentucky Lake.
Edwin Evers is ready to separate himself from the pack.
Edwin Evers is ready to separate himself from the pack.
Here are some of the words that drive Kevin VanDam to be the best.
Here are some of the words that drive Kevin VanDam to be the best.
Brett Hite is ready for the day.
Brett Hite is ready for the day.
Everyone pauses for the national anthem. KVD has the closest spot to the flag.
Everyone pauses for the national anthem. KVD has the closest spot to the flag.
The top 60 head out for another day on Kentucky Lake.
The top 60 head out for another day on Kentucky Lake.