Behind the scenes at B.A.S.S. HQ

En route to the Alabama River Charge presented by Star brite, B.A.S.S. photographer Seigo Saito stopped for a brief tour of B.A.S.S. headquarters in Birmingham, Ala. Take a peek inside.

<p>With a few days to spare between the West Point Lake Battle and the Alabama River Elite event, B.A.S.S. photographer Seigo Saito visited the B.A.S.S. offices in Birmingham, Ala. His photos will give you a sneak peek behind the scenes at the company’s headquarters.</p>
With a few days to spare between the West Point Lake Battle and the Alabama River Elite event, B.A.S.S. photographer Seigo Saito visited the B.A.S.S. offices in Birmingham, Ala. His photos will give you a sneak peek behind the scenes at the company’s headquarters.
<p>The magazine staff is working on the upcoming issue of <em>Bassmaster</em> Magazine. The page proofs line the walls of the art department.</p>
The magazine staff is working on the upcoming issue of Bassmaster Magazine. The page proofs line the walls of the art department.
<p><em>Bassmaster </em>Magazine Editor James Hall’s office is filled with magazines, photographs, illustration boards and the occasional deer mount.</p>
Bassmaster Magazine Editor James Hall’s office is filled with magazines, photographs, illustration boards and the occasional deer mount.
<p>The iconic B.A.S.S. shield is prominently displayed on one of the main hallways.</p>
The iconic B.A.S.S. shield is prominently displayed on one of the main hallways.
<p>All of the B.A.S.S. employees must be hard at work, since the break room is deserted.</p>
All of the B.A.S.S. employees must be hard at work, since the break room is deserted.
<p>Some of the large scale photos displayed around the office were shot by Saito at B.A.S.S. events over the years.</p>
Some of the large scale photos displayed around the office were shot by Saito at B.A.S.S. events over the years.
<p>Dave Precht, vice president of Publications, oversees the art, editorial and communications teams at B.A.S.S.</p>
Dave Precht, vice president of Publications, oversees the art, editorial and communications teams at B.A.S.S.
<p>Thousands of photo slides dating back to the 1960s and the inception of B.A.S.S. are archived in this room.</p>
Thousands of photo slides dating back to the 1960s and the inception of B.A.S.S. are archived in this room.
<p>Photography Manager Laurie Tisdale shoots a photograph of Skeet Reese's winning lure from the West Point Lake Battle.</p>
Photography Manager Laurie Tisdale shoots a photograph of Skeet Reese’s winning lure from the West Point Lake Battle.
<p>She shoots all of the hottest bass fishing baits for the magazines. </p>
She shoots all of the hottest bass fishing baits for the magazines. 
<p>Assistant Editor David Hunter Jones selects photos for a future issue of <em>B.A.S.S. Times.</em></p>
Assistant Editor David Hunter Jones selects photos for a future issue of B.A.S.S. Times.
<p>All of the digital photos shot at B.A.S.S. tournaments are tagged and filed in this computer.</p>
All of the digital photos shot at B.A.S.S. tournaments are tagged and filed in this computer.
<p>B.A.S.S. wall of fame – the Classic champions.</p>
B.A.S.S. wall of fame – the Classic champions.
<p>A team of B.A.S.S. employees convenes in the conference room for a weekly meeting.</p>
A team of B.A.S.S. employees convenes in the conference room for a weekly meeting.
<p>This replica is of the all-time largest bass caught during a B.A.S.S. tournament – Mark Tyler’s 14-pound, 9-ounce largemouth from 1999.</p>
This replica is of the all-time largest bass caught during a B.A.S.S. tournament – Mark Tyler’s 14-pound, 9-ounce largemouth from 1999.
<p>Carhartt Bassmaster College Series Tournament Director Hank Weldon takes a call.</p>
Carhartt Bassmaster College Series Tournament Director Hank Weldon takes a call.
<p>More B.A.S.S. memorabilia is on display including vintage magazine covers, hats and an old set of tournament scales.</p>
More B.A.S.S. memorabilia is on display including vintage magazine covers, hats and an old set of tournament scales.
<p>Archive copies of <em>Bassmaster</em> Magazine line the shelves.</p>
Archive copies of Bassmaster Magazine line the shelves.
<p>We spotted an autographed copy of a Brandon Palaniuk photo in this cube.</p>
We spotted an autographed copy of a Brandon Palaniuk photo in this cube.
<p>Editorial Assistant Helen Northcutt's wall is filled with angler profiles.</p>
Editorial Assistant Helen Northcutt’s wall is filled with angler profiles.
<p>B.A.S.S. CEO Bruce Akin checks out some Japanese bass fishing magazines – <em>Basser</em> and <em>Bass World.</em></p>
B.A.S.S. CEO Bruce Akin checks out some Japanese bass fishing magazines – Basser and Bass World.
<p>More of Saito’s tournament photos are displayed on Akin's office wall.</p>
More of Saito’s tournament photos are displayed on Akin’s office wall.
<p>On his way out, Saito checked back in on James Hall; he was still busy checking stories and photos for future issues of <em>Bassmaster</em> Magazine</p>
On his way out, Saito checked back in on James Hall; he was still busy checking stories and photos for future issues of Bassmaster Magazine
<p>Until next time...</p>
Until next time…