B.A.S.S. members share their stories

3 members of B.A.S.S. took different paths to the Northern Open stage

	The stairs...</p>
The stairs…
	...leading to the rubber mat...</p>
…leading to the rubber mat…
	...behind the podium...</p>
…behind the podium…
	...that the dots between the letters built.</p>
…that the dots between the letters built.
	Robert Lett, Sr. </p>
Robert Lett, Sr. 
	Robert being interviewed, "It's just amazing to be up there on that stage."</p>
Robert being interviewed, “It’s just amazing to be up there on that stage.”
	Buddy Valentine, Jr. </p>
Buddy Valentine, Jr. 
	You don't think nerves are involved in this...</p>
You don’t think nerves are involved in this…
	...climbing the stairs, not a cell tower, to the stage. </p>
…climbing the stairs, not a cell tower, to the stage. 
	Louis DeSantis, very happy to be here...</p>
Louis DeSantis, very happy to be here…
	...and climbing on the stage...</p>
…and climbing on the stage…
	...that 24 years of membership built.</p>
	Read Don Barone's story on these men <a href=
…that 24 years of membership built.

Read Don Barone’s story on these men here.