Day 4 with Aaron Martens

I'm headed south once again this morning to capture Aaron Martens' day.


He's been fishing in Bowley Quarter Marina at the mouth of the Middle River.


The last two days he's been either pitching a drop shot or jig at the countless pilings or running a spinnerbait by them. The spinnerbait has been the primary weapon.


The last two days haven't necessarily been easy. It wasn't until the last hour or so yesterday that Martens even offered a sense of having things going his way. But when it started going his way it never checked up.


He's in a great position this morning. He has practically a 5-pound lead, which means he gets to 10 pounds and he's basically only has one man to worry about and that's Lowen.


If you are looking at it from the positive side, then Martens catching that seems fairly cut and dry. Catching a limit should be easy.


But if you are into the negative you only have to look at Iaconelli, Powroznik, Evers and Tharp to realize how easy it is for great anglers to zero.


Sounds like a fun, potentially dramatic day.