Hackney feels effects of the wind

We just had a word with Greg Hackney before he made another short move. When asked what he was thinking, Hackney said, "I'm thinking this wind is blowing so hard the fish don't want to get in the grass."


A strong wind like that blowing on Cayuga Lake right now tends to blow the aquatic vegetation over to the point it's laying flat in the water, rather than standing vertically.


"I'm also thinking I just need one more bite to have as much or more than I did the first day," Hackney said.


He had 20 pounds, 5 ounces the first day, then 23-1 yesterday. Hackney said he thinks he's got about 15 pounds with his four fish today. We've seen all four, and we think he's got a little more weight than that, at least 16 pounds.