Like a fish out of water

I have to confess that I’m feeling a little bit like a fish out of water. I can’t remember the last time I was anywhere without a boat and fishing tackle.

I’m writing this one a little early because I have to get ready to fly out to Lake Tahoe. We’re having a family reunion this year. It’s the first one I can remember. I’m looking forward to it, but I’m a little nervous about it, too.

The flight will be a hassle in and of itself. I travel all the time, but it’s usually in my truck with my boat following behind. This is different. I’m not afraid to fly. I just don’t like the crowds at the airports and the cramped quarters in the plane. It’s not my thing.

Once I get there, though, I think I’ll have a good time. We lost our sister last year so we’re all painfully aware that we’re mortal. It’ll be real nice to see all my brothers and sisters as well as Dad. We haven’t been together as a family in years. Several of my nieces and nephews are planning to attend as well. It’ll be good to see them. Younger people are always so positive and energetic.

Along with all these positive thoughts, though, I have to confess that I’m feeling a little bit like a fish out of water. I can’t remember — honestly cannot remember — the last time I was anywhere without a boat and fishing tackle. This is definitely a first for me, and it’s scary. I’m not sure what to do if I’m not fishing.

Even when I’m working at Signcom I have my basic necessities of life close at hand. They’re only a few miles away at the house or, in most cases, out in the parking lot waiting for me to leave with them to go somewhere and have some fun. It’s terrifying to think about being naked on the Nevada-California border.

Everyone keeps telling me that there’s more to life than a boat and bass fishing. Maybe, but I’m not so sure about that. Fishing’s basically all I’ve ever done since I was a little kid except for going to school when I had to and working at my business. What do you do if you don’t fish?

I know what you’re supposed to do — bond, get to know each other better, laugh about old times and the things we did as kids, and eat a lot of good food. But what do you really do?

We’re all adults now. We live separate and distinct lives in our own worlds with our own families. In some respects we’re different people. It’s not like we’re kids anymore with Mom looking over things and smoothing out all the differences.

Along with that — I may as well tell the truth — we’re all intense people. That’s how we survived and made careers. Sure, we love each other. There’s no doubt about that. But are we compatible? I’ll know the answer to that question soon enough.

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