Outkast Tackle Chicken Hair Jig
A large hair jig, or preacher jig as they are often referred to, can be a deadly bait to throw during the postspawn and summer months. Outkast Tackle’s Chicken Hair Jig has a few features that separate it from a traditional preacher jig. The first thing you will notice is the general appearance of the Chicken Jig being bulky – in a good way. This bulkiness is due to the synthetic at the base of the jig which provides the bait with a tantalizingly slow rate of fall. Additionally, the Chicken Jig has a super strong 5/0 VMC hook that features a 30-degree line tie which allow the jig to swim level through the water column.
One of the great things about the Outkast Chicken Jig is that it can be used effectively in a variety of different ways. Popular areas to throw the Chicken Jig include offshore ledges, hard spots, humps and even over the top of submerged grass. The Chicken Jig is available in three sizes – 1/2 ounce, 5/8 ounce and 3/4 ounce – allowing anglers to choose the size that best suits the depth that they are fishing. Available in three colors, the Chicken Jig is primarily a bait that is going to imitate a baitfish, but a bluegill color gives the angler additional options.
There’s nothing better when fishing offshore than getting locked up on a hair jig bite. Even on a long cast, bass viciously strike a hair jig, and it will send a jolt up the rod that will send your heart rate through the roof.
I wouldn’t consider myself an expert at fishing ledges, but since moving to Alabama, I’ve had the opportunity to do a good bit of fishing on the Tennessee River during the postspawn period. This has allowed me to see the effectiveness of the hair jig when fishing for schools of bass. When other baits like a crankbait, jig or worm won’t get the job done, a big hair jig like the Outkast Tackle Chicken Jig will get the job done.
The head design of the Chicken Jig truly allows the bait to track through the water at the upright position, and the long chicken feather combined with the lifelike tinsel does give the bait a great appearance in the water. Also, the heavy-duty hook allows you to throw the bait on heavy line with a heavy-action rod. This is crucial because the Chicken Jig does get bites from better than average size bass.