Clunn with a 2 1/2-pound smallie and JO quotes

JO (James Overstreet) on Rick Clunn


Clunn has just landed a “big football smallmouth and I got the juice on it.”


“Juice” in JO speak is the dramatic waterfall effect of water dripping from a largemouth being landed by an angler.


Attempting to transcribe my text conversations with him would be an injustice to capturing Clunn in the moment. So the best I can do is post the following quotes sent via text message by JO.


“This gallery is gonna be one of the best I’ve ever shot, if I call it quits right now.”


“And it’s not just the fish catches that are gonna make it.”


“I’ve got 10 or 20 magazine cover photos or full page ad stuff on this card.”


Topping it all off is when Clunn catches another 2 1/2-pounder during all the photographic drama.


Stay tuned. There’s more to come, including an amazing Rick Clunn photo gallery by Overstreet.