Martens adds number four – and five!

Aaron Martens just landed keeper number 4. This one was about 2 pounds. But he's seeing a 4- or 5-pound male and a 10-pound female.


"Oh my gosh," Martens said. "I thought that was a log."


At this point, Martens moves into full scale action mode. Whipping off his jacket and hopping around the boat like a child arriving at the candy store.


We shall see if Martens is "the Hog Snatcher" today…


...and just as this is typed, he catches the big female he's been stalking. Martens judges it to be 7.6 pounds.


"I thought she was bigger from the way the sun was hitting on her. Anybody could have caught that one. It was glowing." 


The mood has picked up significantly here in the Martens flotilla.