Cherry culling up

If Hank Cherry knew what was going on today, he  would pay Mike Elkins, Darren Jacobson and me to stay away.

We just got back on him after having to make another "administrative boat run" and found out that Cherry added another 3 1/2-pounder to his livewell while we were gone. That's three 3 1/2s and a 4 that we've missed – almost all of the 17-plus-pounds he's got swimming  in his livewells now.

Several men in the flotilla Cherry has following him, which numbers 20 boats now, are beginning to enjoy filling  us in on the show we've missed. Elkins is awarding the best informants with Twinkies from the case he's carrying today.

And Cherry is putting on a show. He's caught a couple of more small fish since we've gotten back.