Mowing the grass

Brock Mosley on LIVE just confirmed my suspicions of earlier this morning. Outside my hotel room, I watched a peculiar looking boat leave the parking lot. Google research led me to find the suspect boat—an Alpha Boats FX-11 Series Aquatic Harvester. Then, on the Cayuga County Soil and Water Conservation District website I found the following statement.

“AVC Program has begun for 2019: The weed harvester will be on Cayuga and Owasco lakes as of Monday, August 19, 2019.”

The statement stated that tourism is one of the leading economic industries for the community, and the harvester manages aquatic growth. That includes “nuisance” Eurasian Watermilfoil.

During a scouting trip just prior to Cayuga Lake going off-limits, Mosley said on LIVE that he marked several areas where the vegetation was so dense that it matted the surface. Upon returning on Monday for the start of practice, it was all gone.

“I think they mowed it, and that thick grass was a key part of my pattern,” he said.