The Gulf of Conroe takes its toll

It’s already been an exciting morning and I’ve only seen one fish catch.

The bumpiness the locals here refer to as the Gulf of Conroe has taken its toll on one of our live cameras, specifically the one on Iaconelli.

After scrambling around for the right kind of tools, getting out here and then discovering the camera is beyond repair, there was another scramble just to get a video camera in the boat with him.

As soon as that was done and we were able to settle in, Brandon Palaniuk hooked up with a 3-pounder. He’s one of five guys we’ve seen on the dam wall this morning.

The others were here yesterday and include Ike, KVD, Pirch and Takahiro. The action was about the same pace as yesterday. And if things hold then the bite could pick up in the next hour.

It seems as if Ike is wanting to cherry pick a big one then move on. Pirch seemed to spend quite a bit of time here. KVD is away from the crowd, while Palaniuk is nibbling around the edges. He just caught his second.

Now it seems as if everyone is moving. No small task since there are about 50 spectators sitting here.

It’s like the closing bell rang. And everyone but Palaniuk has raced away.