The versatile Z Heavy Action baitcaster

Daiwa’s new line of baitcasters cut down on your backlashes and make consistently longer casts.

What is it?

Daiwa’s Z Heavy Action baitcasters.

What does it do?

Allows you to adjust your reel to the conditions at hand.

Why do I need it?

To cut down on your backlashes and make consistently longer casts.

How do I use it?

Like any other baitcaster, except this one is supposedly easier to handle thanks to its unique braking system. Both left- and right-hand retrieves are available, along with two speeds, 6.4:1 and 7.2:1.

What sets it apart?

The Z reels have a switch on the bottom side which makes up the Magforce 3D system. The All Around setting is good for everyday fishing. The Longcast is great for covering lots of water in fewer casts, and the Maxbrake setting is good for combating high winds. Each setting can be further customized by adjusting the brakes on the reel. Apart from the braking system, the rest of the reel is made with top-of-the line Daiwa parts.

How much?

Daiwa’s asking $649.95 for these.

More Information:; 562-375-6800